
Product Design

UX Research, Competitive Analysis, Site Mapping, Prototyping, Email HTML, Low-End Web Development, Communication, Content Curation, Assisting in Data Analysis


Adobe CC, Illustrator, Sketch, Microsoft Visual Studio, Figma, WordPress, Tableau


3 years:

December 2019 to Present

Job Description

Engaging in end-to-end product development, playing a key role as an interaction, visual, and conceptual designer to ensure innovative ideas are transmitted into implementing solutions. Supporting the SurePeople MISSION: We’ve made it our mission to make people sure of themselves and businesses sure of their people.

About SurePeople

SurePeople is remote based work specializing in People Analytics using Personalities and individual Psychometrics to develop people in their strengths and provide a structured learning plan that expedites the process.

Project Work

Prism Skills Journey
White Paper
Pulse Dashbord
Operational Guidelines
Email Campaign
SureAthlete Playbook

Prism Skills Journey

Prism determines your Primary Personality, Personality Under Pressure, as well as 6 psychometrics that make up your learning and behavior style. Along with these psychometrics, Prism depicts your blind spots and areas to concentrate on.

Prism Skills is a brand new kind of learning that helps you develop your soft skills by teaching how to practice them off platform and in the real world.


Building a learning process that has never been tried before was complicated yet fun and exciting. My work partner and I defines the business requirements needed to ensure the smoothest process for the user to journey through. Using with The Kirkpatrick Model of learning, we determined a series of quizes and assessments were needed to create a starting point and acknowledging of skills deficiency. We also included a process to include a development partner to hold the user accountable for task completions. Finally, picking a tactic to work on within the skills area to learn, concentrate, and reflect on. The end result was an exciting Skills Journey, if done completely, would enhance your area of need.

White Paper

My responsibilities as Product Designer extend to marketing as well and seeing to the creation and layouts of company white paper documents. Often used to showcase specific aspects of our platform and the technology that runs it, these white papers as also used as a framework for articles to highlight a more broad piece of detail.


As print design was not something I specialized in in school, I’ve have to learn what a white paper is and what the intentions around the design must be. A lot of research goes into deciding what layout is going to be used and Im not afraid to ask for assistance from my leaders. I have learned much since starting these projects and am getting more comfortable with the design process.

Pulse Dashboard Redesign

Along with the SurePeople platform, users have the ability to conduct Pulse Reports among their team. This gives Admins insights into how their teams are working together and what they are feeling at their workplace.

Over the summer of 2021, we went through the process of updating our pulse survey to the HealthforceX and WorkforceX Index model. With this change, we needed to redesign the layout of information displayed on the Dashboard for easier reading.


We spent a total of 3 months breaking down the major data points from the report that should be displayed on the dashboard, what information should be in inside pages, and how much space each data point needs to take up.

From there, we spent another 3 months playing with different dashboard designs and layouts until we finally decided upon a hierarchy that made sense and flowed well.

Operational Guidelines

SurePeople has been around since 2013 and has gone through several iterations to become what it is today. There are many tools to use and learning what they are use for and how to use them have become a training imperative.

A project that I am currently leading is creating a structured Operational Guidelines to finally put in text how to use our platform. A huge benefit of having a completed Operational Guideline is the documentation of platform and use case scenarios that can be instrumental to the training of new employees and hope fully it could lead to the company gaining investors


The Operational Guideline follows a series of questions; what is this tool? Why is it important in the industry? How to use the tool? And What are some Use Cases for this tool?

With the flow set, I coordinated with the Content Strategist to put words to each tool and really give lots of attention to where previously might have been overlooked.

Weekly Emails

In January of 2020, the Content team started writing weekly emails to our subscribers that detail motivational inspiration with a different theme each week. They came to me to create and code out the email template, which I’d push to our servers each Thursday.

The emails became more popular than we expected and there became a need to transform these emails into an editorial piece on the SurePeople’s uniquely designed EvolveBlog.


Designing the email template required a simple design that auto-populated the subscriber’s name and their SurePeople profile in addition to the weekly post. Having an increasing interest in WordPress, we decided to let me configure our current blog to fit the needs of our weekly editorial.

SureAthlete Playbook

SureAthlete is a sister company of SurePeople and we work together, often as one. The SureAthlete Index was created for sports teams to learn more about the individual needs of each athlete by means of their personality.

The Coaches and Athletes Playbook is a printable version of the results of this Index and outlines survey scores and a details recommendations packet for each category they score low in.


The unique request was for developing the Playbook’s Recommendations sheet as a cross between a checklist and a professional infographic. Each theme would cover for practice areas (goals) and three tactics to work on to achieve said goal.